Dustin & Megan Miller

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Dustin: has worked mainly in Customer Service positions because of his desire to work with and help people. He has also been heavily involved in Youth Ministry and Worship Ministry since leaving college. He is using these skills at the City of Refuge working with the short-term missionaries that come and by helping the Missions Director when he has larger groups or is not available.

He is teaching choir and theater/drama in the schools as well as guitar, piano, drums and singing in private lessons. He is also helping to design the music room along with a recording studio. When these are completed Dustin will begin working on developing Worship Teams and recording CDs.

Megan: has worked in the early childhood field and children’s ministry for over 20 years. Her roles have ranged from assistant teacher to director of a childcare facility with the Salvation Army. She has also developed a play based curriculum for a preschool she started at a local children’s café. 

Currently at The City of Refuge she is working closely with the Kindergarten teacher and the Tias (Aunties/House parents) of the younger children (infant-7) to establish a behavior management system, arrange classrooms and the children’s home, training in child development and developmentally appropriate practices.  She will also be working with the social worker and child psychologist on staff at the orphanage to help meet the behavioral needs of the children and train staff in positive behavior management systems.