Hello what an impressive CV you got. I have just looked at it and I believe it would worth giving a try. Your effort seems tremendous. Anyway i must take the responsibility for having taken a bit of awhile to respond been held up a little bit. Now if you are coming for a short time like you are talking about about then what we have suggest is to stay with one of us in his house then you get to work every morning and be back in the evening with a car at your disposal when you are ready then we feel it would about $300 each month for the three months for the dinner and accommodation. If this is okay so we think the short term it would be worth it. Or what do you think? You can get back to me on that too. Also you got to be ready to walk on foot around in community care outreach services in the slum area where we are situated and its environs. Also tell me when you are planning to come and for how long you are ready to stay around. We also do medical camps and probably on some weekend we would take you to the orphanage home to work there. Hoping to here from you soon for a strategy drawing and the action plan. God bless you so much and we say in swahili karibu kisumu to mean welcome to kisumu